Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Years minus Two Days!

I was looking at my blog today when I saw that my first post was two years years ago minus two days! That seems like forever ago! Everyone said that college would fly by, but like a college kid I did not believe them... Well, I admit it, they were right! I graduate in December and yet I still remember the first day that I was sitting in a college classroom. I was so nervous and I was praying that I would not fail college! Also, yesterday was my last day teaching at my first school. I have been at that school for a year and yesterday was the culmination of working with all my students, my master teacher and the other teachers at the school. I am at a new school this fall and I cannot believe that I wont be with my kids from this year again! They are all so dear to my heart and I already miss them so much! My master teacher and I were reflecting on this past year and both of us were thinking back to when we first met and we were both wondering if we would work well together and how everything would go. I loved being at that school and I loved working with my teacher! I guess I am just trying to believe that I am grown up, almost done with college, and moving on in life. Don't get me wrong I have done great in college and I have really enjoyed meeting so many new people whom I now call friends, and I did enjoy learning much of what I learned. I just cannot believe that it is almost over! I thank God for the opportunity I have had to go to college and for everything He has taught me and done for me in college! Also, thank you to everyone who has been reading the ramblings of a college kid for the last, almost, two years! :) I appreciate all the comments, suggestions, and those of you who have shared my blog! :)